Friday 29 May 2015

Wallpaper Television... Surely Not?

Think back to your first television, or maybe the first widescreen set you welcomed into your living room. Bulky, heavy and let’s face it, probably not all that attractive but those days are long behind us (well, save for the odd few who refuse to upgrade). Modern flat screen models offer a seamless integration into your living aesthetic, often pinned to the wall or hidden behind an elaborate cover to mask their presence. Still, imagine if your television was a chimerical part of your actual wallpaper? Sounds like science fiction nonsense, right...

LG say otherwise, in fact, they’re so confident in their technology that they premièred a proof-of-concept prototype of their *hopefully* upcoming bendy wallpaper television which measures in less than 1 mm thick. Seriously, this beautiful OLED display weighs 1.9kg and is thinner than the width of your fingernail, better yet; it’s held up by magnets and can blend in perfectly with your wall display.

Prefer a bit of heft to your viewing?
The easiest way to understand this concept is to consider fridge magnets, except instead of sticking your TV to your fridge – you’ll be provided with a magnetic mat which sticks to your wall to mount the television on.

The OLED format display is hot stuff in the tech world and indicates a broad opportunity for televisual experimentation. Living Interiors are particularly excited about this development because it’s another bold step in reclaiming the living room from technological clutter. The television is no longer a huge eye sore taking away the attention from the beautiful wallpaper and carpet design you've put so much effort into. If the TV is disguised, what’s the problem? Bring on the future...

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